What are solar systems?
Solar systems work on the principle of converting solar energy into heat, which pass into the heat transfer fluid, and this heat energy can be further exploited. Compared to other renewable and non-renewable resources can provide energy nearly free, without any other significant operating costs. Unlike photovoltaic systems, which convert sunlight directly into electricity with efficiency max. 15% can fototermické Systems (conversion of sunlight into heat) can use up to 80% energy from the sun year-round, including the winter average efficiency is about 50-60% .
Energy savings and return on solar systems
With the average amount of solar energy to the Czech Republic for one year turns out - about 1000 kWh per square meter (in recalculation on the average price of electricity is about CZK 3,000) can therefore install a solar system to save large portion of costs for hot water heating object, pool heating and other technological systems with heat demand and low operating costs.
Solar system due to the use of high quality materials and components, an extremely long life exceeding 25 years, the life of these systems is much longer than their return.
What are solar systems used?
Solar systems are most commonly used for hot water. These solutions are very advantageous, since hot water is contrary to the need for heating the building year round, ie. and when it is the most available sunlight.
Another typical solutions of solar systems are a combination of hot water and heating when the solar system is mostly involved in the combined storage tanks, which in turn provides hot water and heating in the building.
From the perspective of the solar heating system is not nearly as effective, such as heat pumps, however, in buildings that are well insulated, especially low-energy and passive houses, in addition to saving on hot water solar system to save tens of percent of the cost of heating the building. A condition for the use of solar systems for heating is a low temperature heating system such as floor heating or radiators, designed for operating temperatures up to 55 ° C.
Solar systems can of course be very well used also for heating swimming pools, both seasonal outdoor and indoor operated year-round, for which, however, must also reckon with after the classical sources of energy - the sun is shining, although free, but unfortunately not always.
What is the solar systems consist
The basic component of the solar system, the solar collector that can capture sunlight and convert it to heat. The trapped heat in the collector is further dissipated special antifreeze solar liquid in the appliance solar energy.
The appliance is most solar energy hot water tank in which hot water heated directly or it may be a tank, in which water heated by heating for heating the building, or there may be for example a swimming pool.
To reheat hot water or heating is always necessary to install a solar system classic post-heating source, the picture's electric heater, which is usually installed directly into the solar storage tank or storage tank.
In order to transfer heat from the collector to the container, it must be included in each solar system circulation pump which circulates the solar circuit. The pump is part of the solar pump station, which are other necessary components of the solar circuit - safety valve, flowmeter, check valve, filling valves, etc.
To pump group is also involved in solar expansion tank.
Since solar energy system can heat the reservoir and a temperature of about 90 ° C is required at the hot water outlet from the reservoir or storage tank to install the thermostatic mixing valve, which maintains the hot water output at safe temperatures.